This is HUGE!

Big thanks to Apple!

Man pulled over by cops for driving while wearing his new $3500 Apple VR Headset

I don’t care what anybody says…

This guy is a total winner!!

Look how handsome!!

That needs to be his new Linked In pic!

What a photo!

What a Genius!

His name is “Dante!”

“Dante” is … living LIFE on HIS OWN TERMS!

Get after it, Dante!

I think Dante was LEAVING the Apple Store, having just purchased this torture device for his noggin, and – obviously – he couldn’t wait to try them out (aka play Fortnite/Madden/Roblox or some shit?) and so, naturally, he straddled it against his XL face and wore these Bad Larries right out of the store!!

“Dante” does Dante things!!

PS. $3500.

This guy Dante has $3.5k to drop? For this monstrosity?

Damn, Dante!

Hey “Dante,” can I borrow like $100??


And I don’t even wanna know what this dude is watching. I can’t.

I can’t know. I’m praying it’s Star Wars. But I’m fearful it’s a snuff film.

V chill pic though, Dante.

V chill photo.


NASCAR neeeeds to hire Dante to drive a car. While wearing the headset.

Would be dope!

VR Users Are Increasingly Suffering Pretty Bad Injuries

Super Bowl 49ers QB “only” making $870,000

Only $870K?

“Dante” laughs at that kind of poverty!

Peace and Love


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