Tiger Woods’ Son Did Not Qualify For PGA Tour

Tiger’s Son, Charlie Woods, Shoots an 86 (+16), Failing to Qualify For PGA (ESPN)

ESPN is like “what a scrub!”

“Total poseur!”

Because when Charlie’s Dad Tiger Woods was 14, he’d already won 6 Super Bowls and an NHL All Star Game MVP.


The PGA is going to regret this.

And I bet you Charlie Woods joins LIV Golf in Saudi Arabia … tomorrow.

LIV should be so lucky as to have this genius.

Charlie will have his revenge.

Charlie Woods can’t be stopped.

LIV just needs to offer him like $150,000,000. (Chump change for The Woods.)

And then, the 14 year old, 80th ranked Junior Golfer in Florida will SAVE LIV!


Peace and love

Odd Fans Follow Charlie Woods Around the Course!

Peace and love

LIV Golf

12 Shot Hole Dooms Charlie Woods’ Chances of Playing in the PGA

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