Banger! This Video Song About Coffee Will Shake Your Bones


Speaking of feeling sick and insane.

This song and video is sick and insane.

I play this song in my car, and the VISUALS are timeless.

Are these people on ACID?

Rock out.


Peace and love


This is HUGE!

Big thanks to Apple!

Man pulled over by cops for driving while wearing his new $3500 Apple VR Headset

I don’t care what anybody says…

This guy is a total winner!!

Look how handsome!!

That needs to be his new Linked In pic!

What a photo!

What a Genius!

His name is “Dante!”

“Dante” is … living LIFE on HIS OWN TERMS!

Get after it, Dante!

I think Dante was LEAVING the Apple Store, having just purchased this torture device for his noggin, and – obviously – he couldn’t wait to try them out (aka play Fortnite/Madden/Roblox or some shit?) and so, naturally, he straddled it against his XL face and wore these Bad Larries right out of the store!!

“Dante” does Dante things!!

PS. $3500.

This guy Dante has $3.5k to drop? For this monstrosity?

Damn, Dante!

Hey “Dante,” can I borrow like $100??


And I don’t even wanna know what this dude is watching. I can’t.

I can’t know. I’m praying it’s Star Wars. But I’m fearful it’s a snuff film.

V chill pic though, Dante.

V chill photo.


NASCAR neeeeds to hire Dante to drive a car. While wearing the headset.

Would be dope!

VR Users Are Increasingly Suffering Pretty Bad Injuries

Super Bowl 49ers QB “only” making $870,000

Only $870K?

“Dante” laughs at that kind of poverty!

Peace and Love