Breakin’ News!

Utah Groom Wears “Creepy” Apple Vision Pro … at His Own Wedding!



Sort your shit out!

Her face.

His smile???

WTF is he watching? (JK I don’t wanna know.)

I assume people exclusively watch yorn-o on those things.

Is he on DRAFT KINGS or some shit? (If he is, he should throw $1000 on his marriage lasting less than a month.)

She’s like “can I take a turn? I need to video-call a divorce lawyer.”

The bride then explained that she’d tried to keep the wraparound headset away from the wedding photographer.

Oh no.

“He’s like, ‘Hey baby, can we get pictures with the Apple Vision Pro?’” Cambree said. “He probably asked me two or three times. I was like, ‘No, no, no, we have to wait’ And then I turn around one minute and he has it on.”

Jacob had jogged over to his car while Cambree was taking some bridal photographs and threw on the headset while her back was turned.


Cambree is f*cked.

Peace and love

Peace and love.


Not all heroes wear capes…

Man Turns His Mom’s Kitchen Into a McDonalds

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve wished there was a McDonalds inside my apartment.

People are Freaking Out About a Question Mark in Deep Space

And the Willy Wonka Experience Organizers Receive Threats from Parents (TMZ)

Fyre Fest Founder Offers ‘Willy Wonka Experience’ a 2nd Life at Fyre Fest II


I’m actually really stoked for Fyre Fest II. Who isn’t?

Exclusive: Interview with Glasgow’s Sad Oompa-Loompa

She looks like how we all feel.

The Simpsons “Predicted” Sad Willy Wonka Experience

Peace and love

It’s Your Boy!

We are screwed.

Sort it:

End it.


Sort It

My dude.



Truly, bud.

You gotta look both ways when ya crossin’ the street, kid … AND take OFF ya VR goggles!!!!!


What is with some fools??


These things are monstrous!!

Although. This guy seems chill:

And he is absolutely KILLING IT!!


The hat? He looks like a good hang!!

And this dude, with his adorable lil pooch?

Looking GREAT, boss!!!

Cool suit … and PUPPY!!

How old is your dog?? It is SO CUTE!!!

Are they FRIENDLY??

NEW Apple Vision Pro’s Sketchy Consequences for Your Brain (WSJ)


They have jazz hands in The Metaverse.

This is super bleak and makes me despondent:


The Dystopia Cafe.

Table for two.

Even this baby is like…

“Get the fuck out of here with this bullshit.”

Mom wants a divorce.

And she made up her mind the moment you put on those goggles.

UK – London Police Respond to Man Wearing Apple Vision Pro to Walk His ROBOT DOG!

Peace and Love


This is HUGE!

Big thanks to Apple!

Man pulled over by cops for driving while wearing his new $3500 Apple VR Headset

I don’t care what anybody says…

This guy is a total winner!!

Look how handsome!!

That needs to be his new Linked In pic!

What a photo!

What a Genius!

His name is “Dante!”

“Dante” is … living LIFE on HIS OWN TERMS!

Get after it, Dante!

I think Dante was LEAVING the Apple Store, having just purchased this torture device for his noggin, and – obviously – he couldn’t wait to try them out (aka play Fortnite/Madden/Roblox or some shit?) and so, naturally, he straddled it against his XL face and wore these Bad Larries right out of the store!!

“Dante” does Dante things!!

PS. $3500.

This guy Dante has $3.5k to drop? For this monstrosity?

Damn, Dante!

Hey “Dante,” can I borrow like $100??


And I don’t even wanna know what this dude is watching. I can’t.

I can’t know. I’m praying it’s Star Wars. But I’m fearful it’s a snuff film.

V chill pic though, Dante.

V chill photo.


NASCAR neeeeds to hire Dante to drive a car. While wearing the headset.

Would be dope!

VR Users Are Increasingly Suffering Pretty Bad Injuries

Super Bowl 49ers QB “only” making $870,000

Only $870K?

“Dante” laughs at that kind of poverty!

Peace and Love